

Beckman Estate Planning and Charitable Giving!


An Educational Legacy

Just like the sands of time, the days and weeks pass into months and years. If we have been good stewards of God's many blessings over the years, our investments, property value, tax deferred investments will provide for the "stewardship of our later years. But what about our caretaker ship of the spiritual, as well as the material? The Gospel tells us we cannot give ourselves" God and money.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

The best way to pass on the Catholic faith to young people is through a Catholic School Education. Studies have shown that those attending Catholic School are more likely, as adults, to be active Catholics in their own parishes. Charitable Giving through wills, endowments, tuition assistance and other methods must mow guarantee the future of our precious Catholic Schools. A stated "bequest" in your will can not only benefit our Catholic School, but be a fitting memory and lasting tribute to your or a loved one.

Effective Planning

A person's will is the foundation of an effective estate plan. It allows you to execute the wishes of your estate upon your death. Many wills written before 1997 need updating and may require substantial revisions due to changes in federal estate tax codes. If you do not have a will, the court appoints an administrator for your estate, and thus decides how to disburse your assets.

Deferred Giving

Deferred Giving is designating disbursements to the charity of your choice through estate planning. Many different investment vehicles are available to funnel gifts to an organization. Some contributions can be implemented during retirement years, whole others can be designated as a bequest through proper execution of you will and estate planning. there are many advantages and disadvantages of different funding vehicles, therefore it is highly recommended that individuals seek sound financial advice from a professional.

Examples of Deferred Giving options might be:

Life insurance

All of a portion of death benefit proceeds can be designated to a charitable organization. In certain instances, there may be a tax advantage.

IRA's & 401 K's

Tax qualified funds can make a great gift to a charity. Such assets are often overlooked as potential charitable gifts, however all or any percentage can be designated as a tax favored giving option.

Appreciated Assets

Stocks and other appreciated securities can be transferred to a charity, with tax advantages for the donor.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A transfer of cash or securities to a charitable organization can guarantee fixed income for life, as well as a tax deduction, and potential capital gain reductions.

For more information on charitable bequests or other giving opportunities, please contact the Beckman Development office at 563-875-7188.

How Much Should I Give?

When planning to make a charitable bequest in your will, reflect on the people and institutions that have been an important part of your life. Think not only about the institutions that are important now, but also the ones that helped earlier in your life. Many friends, if they have children, consider designates a charitable bequest equal to the percentage one child would receive. other friends use the tithing concept of "children, church and charity" as a means of charitable giving to their wills. Whether we realize it or not we really own nothing. All not, we really own nothing. All blessings and possessions are really bestowed upon us by 'god and belong to God alone. We will all be judged by how well we have served God's people and God's world, not just ourselves or our immediate families.

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